Now showing items 1-7 of 7
Personnel selection in complex organizations: a case of mexican football team for the 2018 World Cup in Russia
(Universidad La Salle México, Dirección de Posgrado e Investigación, 2018-06)
Selection of personnel in organizations is usually a difficult task. The process gets even more complicated when the selection takes place in complex organizations where different areas can work towards multiple objectives. ...
Results of the study for proposing the increasing amount to the Minimum Wage for 2020 and its repercussions
(Universidad La Salle México, Facultad de Negocios, 2019-12)
The Minimum Wage had an historic recuperation in 2019, however, still represents very serious lags that decrease the living quality of the working class. For the Minimum Wage to reach the purchasing power of 1976, it should ...
Results of the study to propose the amount of the increase to the minimum wage for 2021 and its repercussions
(Universidad La Salle México, Facultad de Negocios, 2020)
In 2019 and 2020, the increases to the Minimum Wage had a positive impact on the fall in Labor Poverty and reduced the wage gap that had existed since 1976; In this sense, this work aims to carry out a projection of a ...
Determinación del salario mínimo para 2022 condicionado por el nivel de desempleo y su comparación con las condiciones inflacionarias
(Universidad La Salle México, Facultad de Negocios, 2021-12-12)
La crisis por la pandemia alteró y está alterando variables económicas claves, como el nivel de desempleo y el nivel de inflación. En este trabajo, a partir de niveles de desempleo, de inflación y de salarios mínimos, que ...
Determination of the minimum wage for 2022 based on the unemployment rate and its comparison with inflationary conditions
(Universidad La Salle México, Facultad de Negocios, 2021-12-12)
The pandemic crisis has been altering key economic variables, such as the unemployment and inflation rates. In this paper, an analysis of minimum wage projections for 2022 is conducted based on unemployment, inflation and ...
Resultados del Estudio para proponer el monto del aumento al Salario Mínimo para 2020 y sus repercusiones
(Universidad La Salle México, Facultad de Negocios, 2019)
El Salario Mínimo tuvo una recuperación histórica en 2019, sin embargo, aún presenta gravísimos rezagos que merman la calidad de vida de la clase trabajadora. Para que el Salario Mínimo alcance el poder adquisitivo ...
Post-pandemic Mexican labor market outlook: asymmetric recovery
(Universidad La Salle México, Facultad de Negocios, 2021-06-13)
After the period of confinement to prevent the spread of the CoViD-19 virus, the reopening in the new normal poses the challenge of economic recovery, in that sense this paper analyzes the dynamics of the post-pandemic ...