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dc.contributor.authorColin Andrade, Naomi
dc.identifier.citationColin Andrade, N. (2021). Factors involved in the turnover of the frontline employees. Revista Latinoamericana de Investigación Social, 4(1), 18-30.es_MX
dc.description.abstractRecently, in Mexico there has been a growth in service outsourcing companies, and with it the concern of analyzing the high levels of turnover in frontline employees, in order to develop strategies that allow the permanence of employees. The objective of this article is to determine the factors involved in the turnover of frontline employees who work for a facilities services company. This article analyzes the level of importance of the factors that employees indicated to leave the company based on AHP methodology. The sample consists of 158 employees interviewed during their last day at the company. The results reveal that the main reason of the dissatisfaction is related to the work environment and promotions, which can cause, in addition to employee turnover, low levels of engagement, job satisfaction and productivity. We can also identify the main differences between males who indicate dissatisfaction with training as the main reason, while females indicate the work environment at the first level.es_MX
dc.publisherUniversidad La Salle México, Facultad de Negocioses_MX
dc.rightsAcceso abiertoes_MX
dc.subjectAnalytic Hierarchy Processes_MX
dc.subjectEmployee Turnoveres_MX
dc.subjectFacilities Serviceses_MX
dc.subjectWork Satisfactiones_MX
dc.subjectProceso de Análisis Jerárquico AHPes_MX
dc.subjectRotación de Empleadoses_MX
dc.subjectServicios de Instalaciones,es_MX
dc.subjectEmpleados Operativoses_MX
dc.subjectSatisfacción Laborales_MX
dc.subject.classificationCiencias Sociales::Ciencias Económicas::Gestión de la calidades_MX
dc.subject.otherContratación externaes_MX
dc.titleFactors involved in the turnover of the frontline employeeses_MX
dc.title.alternativeOutsourcing: factores que intervienen en la rotación de empleados operativoses_MX

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